Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Career in Computer Science - What is the Best Option?

A Career in Computer Science - What is the Best Option?If you are thinking about a career in computer science, it is important to choose the right school to learn computer programming. It is also important to make sure that the school is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET (Association of American Schools of Technology and Engineering). This is necessary for many reasons, including the ability to obtain jobs in computer science that will provide your degree.There are several types of high schools and junior highs that offer computer classes. Some of these include comprehensive high schools that focus on computer technology and various types of math and science. These programs are ideal for those students who have a natural talent for learning and want to advance to advanced classes.Individualized schools are designed for each student's individual needs. They are meant to meet the specific needs of the students. By choosing this option, the student will be abl e to earn a certificate in computer technology or computer information systems.A computer science JR. high school is different from the standard high school because they allow students to earn a diploma from a top-tier institution. By earning this type of diploma, students will have the ability to pursue a career in computer technology. This curriculum is designed for students who want to earn an Associates degree in computer technology and/or an Associates degree in information technology.Each of the majors available at the University of Illinois offers a great career in computer science. In addition, students may select a minor within one of the major research universities and specialize in the specific area of study. An example of a minor would be a concentration in medical informatics.Ann Arbor Technical Institute also offers a computer technology diploma program. This program is ideal for students who want to choose to earn their Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. These s tudents can then go on to earn their Associate of Science in Information Technology or their Associates in Computer Information Systems degrees.Various technical schools offer vocational programs that prepare students for future careers in computer and IT. This way, they can use their education to earn a higher degree. Many students take courses such as computer information systems, computer engineering, information technology, database system management, networking, and other related fields.The best way to determine which college or university is the best choice for you is to do your research and look at your specific needs. Once you have your requirements and your goals, you can then decide which college or university to attend. With a little research, you can get your education with the resources you need and learn how to apply the skills you learn at the most reputable and prestigious college or university.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Pittsburgh a Steel Hardened Intellectual Capital of Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh a Steel Hardened Intellectual Capital of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh is the second-largest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the twenty-second-largest metropolitan area in the United States. The city is known as the City of Bridges and the Steel City because of its 720 bridges and former role as a steel manufacturing center. Stunning landscape of this area is formed by rivers, valleys and hills coming together to create a remarkable patchwork of Pittsburgh’s neighborhoods â€" in total, the city contains 90 neighborhoods. Pittsburgh is also featured by 151 high-rise buildings, two inclined railways and more than 700 public stairways all over the city.  Besides Pittsburgh is one of the most misspelled U.S. cities. In 1890 the U.S. Board on Geographic Names ruled that the final h should be dropped from the names of all cities ending in burgh. The citizens of the city mounted a public campaign to keep the traditional spelling and twenty years later, in 1911, the Pittsburgh spelling was officially restored. Many people remain confus ed till this day. Todays Pittsburgh has digressed from the smoky image of industrial city and consistently ranked among the top green cities in the U.S. More than 300 steel-related businesses still remain in this region but no steel mills were left within city limits. The economic influence of Pittsburgh’s business district is largely based on technology, health care, education, robotics, innovation and finance industries. Over 1,600 technology, research and finance companies are located in this area, including such major companies as Apple, Intel, Google, Disney Research and PNC Financial Services. Prominent universities, world renowned museums and art institutions provide strong academic and cultural foundations of the city. Pittsburgh is a city of diverse  educational opportunities. A number of venerable colleges, universities and research facilities based in the area have made Pittsburgh one of the top education destinations in the nation. For a population of 25 years and over in Pittsburgh:  81.3% are high school graduates, 26.2% completed a bachelor’s degree and  over 12.5% have a master’s or professional degree. Pittsburgh Public Schools is the second largest school district in Pennsylvania and the largest of 43 school districts in Allegheny County. It serves about 25,000 students annually. There are 185  public, 117  private and 41  post-secondary schools in Pittsburgh. The  student to teacher ratio in Pittsburgh  for public schools is 14:1, which is 12.2% less than the National student to teacher ratio. In addition to the excellent mainstream education, there is a variety of support programs for special education needs, programs for the gifted and for early intervention in Pittsburgh. The City of Pittsburgh provides a variety of options for higher learning. The University of Pittsburgh, founded in 1787, is  one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the U.S and the largest school in Pittsburgh that offers graduate programs. Pitt offers undergraduate and graduate programs through different schools and colleges. The University is known for its programs in philosophy, law, business, medicine, information science, engineering, international studies, biomedical and health-related sciences. The University of Pittsburgh is ranked among the best in the nation by US News World Report  and has one of the countrys largest research programs. Other well-known institutions of higher learning in the city are Carnegie Mellon University,  Duquesne University, Chatham University, Carlow University, Robert Morris University, Point Park University, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Community College of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science and The Pennsylvania Culinary Institute. Pittsburgh is a unique city which has been reborn from a smoky, dirty, industrial city into a cool, green, beautiful place and one of the most livable cities in the United States. Driven by prominent institutions of higher learning and a highly educated population, the Steel City has refashioned itself into a vibrant medical, technology and research center. Now Pittsburgh is a wonderful place to study, work and live in. Visit TutorZ.com to find a private tutor in Pittsburgh, PA. Tutoring in any subject is available, from English,  math  and science to  engineering, comuter programmig and business.

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Diffraction Optics Slit, Also Known As the Molecular Slit

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Diffraction Optics Slit, Also Known As the Molecular SlitThe organic chemistry tutor diffraction optics slit, also known as the molecular slit, is a piece of optical equipment used in the study of a protein that acts as a lens and lets light pass through, rather than into the sample. The arrangement of molecules in a molecule's molecules in a single or double helix shapes the molecule, allowing its parts to focus light. While an ordinary microscope, while used to observe the crystal structure of a compound, cannot give rise to the natural optics, it can allow to observe the molecule's molecular movements to reveal these molecular operations.The organic chemistry tutor diffraction optics slit, also known as the molecular slit, is a piece of optical equipment used in the study of a protein that acts as a lens and lets light pass through, rather than into the sample. The arrangement of molecules in a molecule's molecules in a single or double helix shapes the molecule, allowing its parts to focus light. While an ordinary microscope, while used to observe the crystal structure of a compound, cannot give rise to the natural optics, it can allow to observe the molecule's molecular movements to reveal these molecular operations.In the two-photon microscopy the fiber of the microscope is divided into two by using a reflective substrate. In the organic chemistry slit, the fiber can be made to spin by using the outer mirror. The slit can also be inclined to different angles, that is it is tilted in such a way as to let light pass through. The diffraction optics has been used since the early 1900s for the observation of light waves that travel on their way in the room.The organic chemistry tutor diffraction optics slit, also known as the molecular slit, is a piece of optical equipment used in the study of a protein that acts as a lens and lets light pass through, rather than into the sample. The arrangement of molecules in a molecule's molecule s in a single or double helix shapes the molecule, allowing its parts to focus light. While an ordinary microscope, while used to observe the crystal structure of a compound, cannot give rise to the natural optics, it can allow to observe the molecule's molecular movements to reveal these molecular operations.The pupil rays of a light wave or the polarizers, which mirrors that are usually fixed to a lens are used in organic chemistry to make the slice or slit. The slit is used for a telescope in order to collect the light that comes from a microscope or a laser beam. The quantum mechanical reason behind the electron that is diffracting the light and the energy level of the electrons or ions of the molecules are determined by the structure of the molecule.The pupil of the pupil ray, which contains a layer of an organic polymer, is responsible for the sharpness of the light. The organic polymer is very common and is usually made out of cellulose. For instance, the pupil of the pupil r ay can be made out of glutaraldehyde. In the organic chemistry playground the pupil of the pupil ray must be made out of an appropriate polymer.Pupil rays can be made to operate as molecular lenses by fixing them to the lens by means of lenses made of a substance called photonic crystals. The process of making the pupil reflects on the ability of the organic molecule to absorb light. The pupil acts as a lens, allowing light waves to pass through. The organic chemistry tutor diffraction optics slit, also known as the molecular slit, is a piece of optical equipment used in the study of a protein that acts as a lens and lets light pass through, rather than into the sample.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is it Possible to Attain Anything With a Positive Mindset?

Is it Possible to Attain Anything With a Positive Mindset?If you are a student who is anxious to excel at school, but you don't know what to do in order to be successful, consider thinking about enrolling in the Mindset Tutoring Program. This particular program will equip you with the right knowledge that will allow you to succeed in your education. There are a number of benefits of this program as well.One of the biggest benefits that this program could provide is confidence. When you have a positive attitude towards your education, you are more likely to maintain a good attitude and follow through on what you are learning. When you have a positive mindset, you know what it means to have fun.Another major benefit is that you are more likely to succeed. Students who have a positive attitude often excel in life. Your attitudes are what drives success in all areas of your life, including your education. When you have a positive attitude, you have a lot more motivation to excel at schoo l.Also, you could find yourself having a better relationship with your parents and older siblings. When you have a positive mindset, you are more likely to be able to cope with hard times, like economic downturns and other problems. Those things are going to cause the people around you to struggle, so when you have a positive attitude, you are more likely to succeed.When you are focused and motivated, you have the self-discipline that will make you an asset to your own interest and desire. As a result, you can pursue whatever interest or goal you have. The education system will help you excel in all areas of your life, including in your studies.You can achieve anything you set your mind to. When you are a student who has a positive attitude, you will achieve everything you set your mind to. The more you work on setting yourself up for success, the more likely you are to succeed.One of the most important things in life is to build up a strong and positive overall attitude. With this mindset, you will see how much success you can have in life. When you focus on your education, you will be a better person in the long run, and you will be able to contribute much more to society.

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During a College Summer Class

5 Ways to Stay Motivated During a College Summer Class For most college students, summer is a welcome break from attending classes, studying for exams, and finishing homework assignments. With often beautiful weather and a plethora of available activities, sitting in a classroom during the summer months is likely unappealing. Yet some college students are choosing to sign up for summer classes. Summer classes allow you to get ahead on your required classes or simply to learn more about a subject of interest. Ways to stay motivated during a college summer class include keeping a schedule, settling into a routine, and finding a reliable study space. If youve signed up for a summer class and are looking to stay engaged, keep reading to learn five ways to stay motivated during a college summer class. 1. Stay motivated during a college summer class by creating a calendar You may be used to keeping your school schedule in a planner or on a digital calendar during a regular semester course. Doing so is a great way to keep track of all your assignments, exams, and other important information about your classes. Make it a point to keep up this good habit during the summer semester. It can be especially helpful to do so this time of year because class meetings, assignments, and exams tend to be spaced more closely together during summer classes compared to the rest of the school year. You might want to sit down every Sunday evening, for example, to review your weeks plan and make sure youre on top of all requirements. [RELATED: What to Know About College Summer Classes] 2. Stay motivated during a college summer class by scheduling homework time Just as it can help to schedule your class assignments, tests, and meetings, it can also be beneficial to use your planner or calendar to schedule time to do your homework. When it comes to getting homework done, its usually best to space it out over a few days. Doing so will help you avoid a homework rush before your next class. It can also help you to more easily divide your time between summertime learning and fun. Getting into a good homework routine can benefit your summer school routine overall, helping you better absorb what youre learning in class. [RELATED: Know the Difference Between In-Person, Online, and Hybrid Courses] 3. Stay motivated during a college summer class by settling into a routine While its tempting to skip your classes and spend time outside, its important to treat your summer class just as you would a class during a regular college semester. To motivate yourself to go to class, make sure youre feeling your best. You can ensure this by doing the following: Go to bed at a reasonable hour, and wake up around the same time each weekday morning Eat healthily, drink lots of water, and exercise each day Make it a priority to balance time spent in class and studying with time having fun, relaxing, and enjoying the summer. 4. Stay motivated during a college summer class by finding a reliable study spot During the summer, campus might feel like a bit of a ghost town. Its important to find a study space thats exciting enough that it motivates you to study during the summer, but not so exciting that it distracts you from the task at hand. Create your perfect spot at home by setting up a desk at a quiet place by a window. On campus, seek indoor working spaces that have outdoor access, or at the very least, an outdoor view. Find a friend who might join you in a study session at the library or a coffee shop, where you can both do schoolwork. [RELATED: How High School and College Students Can Setand AchieveAcademic Goals] 5. Stay motivated during a college summer class by taking time to recharge Spending some time enjoying your summer is a great reward for staying focused on your summer classes. Doing so can rest and recharge your body so youre motivated to study hard and succeed in your classes. As mentioned previously, scheduling time for studying and time for fun summer activities can help you stay on top of your classes while also giving you time to enjoy your summer. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

How to Embrace Your Introversion While Awaking Your True Inner Self - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Embrace Your Introversion While Awaking Your True Inner Self - Introvert Whisperer How to Embrace Your Introversion While Awaking Your True Inner Self As an introvert, you probably already understand that you need quiet time to recharge. You know that while there are people you enjoy, you need some personal space to process events, to steady your nerves and to simply relax. While there are those who find an energetic party the perfect way to unwind, you are more likely to enjoy a good book, playing a favorite musical instrument, painting a picture or just staring off into the sunset. Sometimes, perhaps, it can seem not quite fair to have to deal with daily interactions with other human beings. But there are ways that you can not only cope with your personal needs but even feel good about them. 1. Practice Self-Care Through Gratitude As a person who is habitually introspective, you probably already know that one of the deadliest enemies of your inner peace is to get caught in a loop of negative mental arguments. Perpetually turning over what you might have done or said can quickly eat up your precious alone time. One way to fight this is to think of the good things, the things for which you are grateful. It might begin with, “I’m glad I have these few minutes to recuperate. I’m glad that my team understands my need for solitude. I’m glad to have a job….” And so on. If you focus on a litany of the good things in your life (and there are times when it can be pretty hard to find the good things), then you will spend less time focusing on the negative things. You will feel better, seem happier and be better able to cope. 2. Recharge Yourself You don’t need to feel guilty about needing time to yourself. If you do not take the time to care for your personal needs, you will not be able to help others. As a sensitive person, it is easy for you to feel that you should always do a little more or give a little more. Even as Mother Theresa was told by her mentor that she needed to eat a balanced diet of nourishing food if she hoped to help the people who needed her, you need your alone time. Even if it requires getting up a few minutes earlier than the rest of the family or driving your car to a shady park on the way home to clear your head of the remains of work, you need that time. You will be a better person for taking time for yourself. 3. Be Protective of Your Alone Time You are a giving person, but you do need that time to recharge. One way to do this is to engage in a hobby that is geared toward turning your attention inward, such as yoga or Tai Chi. Since there is an emphasis on stillness and meditation in these sorts of discipline, you can formalize your time to still your thoughts and center yourself. You might want to seek out coaches and teachers who allow you time to do your own meditation, rather than engaging in guided meditations. 4. Embrace Your Strengths One of your best things is that you are fully capable of working alone and doing a good job without supervision. You don’t need anyone to hold your hand or tell you what needs to happen next. While it probably seems completely natural to you, it is amazing how many people really find it difficult to sit in a room alone and just work. Your ability is rare, and it is to be treasured.  Recently, there has been a renewed interest in “deep work” which refers to the ability to go beneath the immediate, facile information available and allow your subconscious or conscious mind to make intuitive connections. You are already practiced in this area. 5. Be a Great Leader One of the myths about introverts is that they simply aren’t sufficiently aggressive or proactive to lead. Nothing could be farther from the truth. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a shy, retiring woman used her influence as First Lady to spearhead efforts toward social consciousness and civil rights for both people of color and women. President Harry S. Truman would later call her “First Lady of the world” because of her steadfast contributions. If she could do it, you can do it. In fact, if you listen to others, do your work to the best of your ability, show up on time (or early), quietly participate in activities, you are already being a leader. When promoted to team leader or similar position, one of your greatest strengths is going to be your ability to listen, collect information, and help your people solve their own problems. 6. You Do Like People A common misconception about introverts is that they are antisocial. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You might be picky about the company you keep, but you are a great listener. You not only let the other person talk (which is a skill in and of itself), but you make a conscious effort to hear not only the surface message but the one beneath it. When you give someone the gift of friendship, it is because you genuinely like them and enjoy their company. Even so, there will be times when you need to withdraw and recharge. Because you do give attention, understanding, active listening and empathy, it wears on your energy. 7. You Are a Proactive, Self-Actualizing, Intelligent Human Being Because introverts tend to be quiet people, others often believe that you are lacking intelligence or talent. But with the recent emphasis on engaging in “deep work”, you are a natural. You have already mastered the ability to center your attention around a task and to plunge inward to your natural ability to synthesize information, draw conclusions and develop original work. In today’s marketplace, that is pure gold. Conclusion About 50 percent of the world’s population are introverts. We often go unnoticed because we have a greater need to get necessary or important jobs done than to hold a ticker tape parade or carry a placard that says something like “Introverts Unite.” We are the people who get on with work at hand while the extroverts are still holding a party or attending committee meetings. About Author Paul S. Carney is currently designated as lead Product Manager at  enhanCV, a resume building platform.   Paul has more than 11 years of progressively responsible experience directing as many as 14 successful products from inception to the growth stage. Paul has led these companies through start-up, survival, turnaround and growth modes. Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.   I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.   In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

The #2 Pencil How Its History Has Been Written

The #2 Pencil How Its History Has Been Written This post is part of our 2017 Back-to-School Series. Throughout the month of August, visit the Varsity Tutors blog for back-to-school advice, tips, and tricks for all ages. We owe a lot to pencilsespecially those famous #2 yellows. Without the #2 pencil, how would you have learned to write your name or to divide fractions? But how well do you know the trusty pencil? Have you ever wondered where it came from, or why #2 is often chosen over #1? There is a great deal of history behind the #2 pencil, including its origin, evolution, and current use. Heres a crash course on how the #2 pencils history has been written: The origin of the #2 pencil The pencil has been around for ages, although you might not recognize its earlier cousins. In the 1500s, according to common legend, a large deposit of graphite was discovered in England when a storm uprooted it along with a tree. The graphite was pure and solid, perfectly suited for writing, although the only people using it at first were shepherds marking their sheep. People werent quite up on chemistry in those days, so it was another couple of centuries before a chemist determined graphite was a form of carbon, not lead as they originally thought. Thats why, to this day, we refer to whats in a pencil as lead, even though its not. Early on, the graphite was sometimes wrapped in sheepskin or string to make it easier for the writer to hold. The Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner is credited as being the first person to describe putting graphite into a wooden holder. [RELATED: The Importance of Writing Skills] The #2 pencil: A sharper style From those early days, the pencil has evolved into the familiar tool we know today. When it comes to todays pencil, there are a few traits you probably associate with it. Its yellow and often hexagonal. It has a pink eraser at one end. But when did pencils start looking the way they do today? The color: Historical accounts vary, but a Czech company is credited with starting this trend at the Worlds Fair in 1889, painting its pencils containing fine graphite from the Far East. The yellow color, traditionally associated with royalty in China, was meant to portray the pencils as a luxury item. Other pencil makers quickly followed suit. The eraser: Pencils and erasers now go together like peanut butter and jelly. Or maybe that should be peanut butter and bread: before rubber erasers came along, some people further back in history used crustless bread as erasers. Others used wax or bits of stone. In the 19th century, people figured out how to cure raw rubber and make it durable, thus beginning the rubber erasers current reign. A Philadelphia man patented his idea to attach an eraser to the end of a pencil, but the patent was later invalidated since it was just two existing products stuck together. [RELATED: 3 Ways Students Can Benefit from Journaling] Why the #2 pencil became king You know that the standard school pencil is a #2. But do you know why? Its mostly the result of standardized testing. When scannable answer forms became popular, the technology handled #2 pencils bestthey had trouble picking up marks from harder pencils, and the softer ones would smudge. Americans use a numerical system to label pencils based on hardness. Besides the ubiquitous #2, #1, #3, and #4 are used, with number signifying softness. But why are there so many variations when #2 is so commonly used? Artists need a wider variety of pencil hardness so they can create a larger range of tones. For example, a #1 pencil is soft and will smudge easilygood for artists, bad for test-takers filling in answer bubbles. Plus, some technical work such as woodworking or other precise drawing benefits from using a harder, sharper pencil (like a #3 or #4). [RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Backpack Essentials] Like with soccer and the metric system, though, Americans do things a little differently when it comes to pencils. Most non-U.S. pencil makers use a system known as the HB scale to measure hardness. The next time you grab a #2 pencil, think about its evolution. You might even share a couple of historic pencil facts with your friends. Theyll think youre pretty sharp. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.