Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Embrace Your Introversion While Awaking Your True Inner Self - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Embrace Your Introversion While Awaking Your True Inner Self - Introvert Whisperer How to Embrace Your Introversion While Awaking Your True Inner Self As an introvert, you probably already understand that you need quiet time to recharge. You know that while there are people you enjoy, you need some personal space to process events, to steady your nerves and to simply relax. While there are those who find an energetic party the perfect way to unwind, you are more likely to enjoy a good book, playing a favorite musical instrument, painting a picture or just staring off into the sunset. Sometimes, perhaps, it can seem not quite fair to have to deal with daily interactions with other human beings. But there are ways that you can not only cope with your personal needs but even feel good about them. 1. Practice Self-Care Through Gratitude As a person who is habitually introspective, you probably already know that one of the deadliest enemies of your inner peace is to get caught in a loop of negative mental arguments. Perpetually turning over what you might have done or said can quickly eat up your precious alone time. One way to fight this is to think of the good things, the things for which you are grateful. It might begin with, “I’m glad I have these few minutes to recuperate. I’m glad that my team understands my need for solitude. I’m glad to have a job….” And so on. If you focus on a litany of the good things in your life (and there are times when it can be pretty hard to find the good things), then you will spend less time focusing on the negative things. You will feel better, seem happier and be better able to cope. 2. Recharge Yourself You don’t need to feel guilty about needing time to yourself. If you do not take the time to care for your personal needs, you will not be able to help others. As a sensitive person, it is easy for you to feel that you should always do a little more or give a little more. Even as Mother Theresa was told by her mentor that she needed to eat a balanced diet of nourishing food if she hoped to help the people who needed her, you need your alone time. Even if it requires getting up a few minutes earlier than the rest of the family or driving your car to a shady park on the way home to clear your head of the remains of work, you need that time. You will be a better person for taking time for yourself. 3. Be Protective of Your Alone Time You are a giving person, but you do need that time to recharge. One way to do this is to engage in a hobby that is geared toward turning your attention inward, such as yoga or Tai Chi. Since there is an emphasis on stillness and meditation in these sorts of discipline, you can formalize your time to still your thoughts and center yourself. You might want to seek out coaches and teachers who allow you time to do your own meditation, rather than engaging in guided meditations. 4. Embrace Your Strengths One of your best things is that you are fully capable of working alone and doing a good job without supervision. You don’t need anyone to hold your hand or tell you what needs to happen next. While it probably seems completely natural to you, it is amazing how many people really find it difficult to sit in a room alone and just work. Your ability is rare, and it is to be treasured.  Recently, there has been a renewed interest in “deep work” which refers to the ability to go beneath the immediate, facile information available and allow your subconscious or conscious mind to make intuitive connections. You are already practiced in this area. 5. Be a Great Leader One of the myths about introverts is that they simply aren’t sufficiently aggressive or proactive to lead. Nothing could be farther from the truth. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a shy, retiring woman used her influence as First Lady to spearhead efforts toward social consciousness and civil rights for both people of color and women. President Harry S. Truman would later call her “First Lady of the world” because of her steadfast contributions. If she could do it, you can do it. In fact, if you listen to others, do your work to the best of your ability, show up on time (or early), quietly participate in activities, you are already being a leader. When promoted to team leader or similar position, one of your greatest strengths is going to be your ability to listen, collect information, and help your people solve their own problems. 6. You Do Like People A common misconception about introverts is that they are antisocial. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You might be picky about the company you keep, but you are a great listener. You not only let the other person talk (which is a skill in and of itself), but you make a conscious effort to hear not only the surface message but the one beneath it. When you give someone the gift of friendship, it is because you genuinely like them and enjoy their company. Even so, there will be times when you need to withdraw and recharge. Because you do give attention, understanding, active listening and empathy, it wears on your energy. 7. You Are a Proactive, Self-Actualizing, Intelligent Human Being Because introverts tend to be quiet people, others often believe that you are lacking intelligence or talent. But with the recent emphasis on engaging in “deep work”, you are a natural. You have already mastered the ability to center your attention around a task and to plunge inward to your natural ability to synthesize information, draw conclusions and develop original work. In today’s marketplace, that is pure gold. Conclusion About 50 percent of the world’s population are introverts. We often go unnoticed because we have a greater need to get necessary or important jobs done than to hold a ticker tape parade or carry a placard that says something like “Introverts Unite.” We are the people who get on with work at hand while the extroverts are still holding a party or attending committee meetings. About Author Paul S. Carney is currently designated as lead Product Manager at  enhanCV, a resume building platform.   Paul has more than 11 years of progressively responsible experience directing as many as 14 successful products from inception to the growth stage. Paul has led these companies through start-up, survival, turnaround and growth modes. Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.   I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.   In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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